Thursday, March 29, 2007


I met up with an old friend for coffee on Saturday, and from my upcoming trip to BKK, we talked about the FatOne.

He mentioned that the FatOne has a weird behavior, he would stir up trouble within a group, then come in and make peace, controlling the situation etc. Now, I don't know why this behaviour is as such, but it's really weird for such things to happen.

(I'll not relate the full story out to protect the identities of the innocent. LoL).

Why would one want to be a devil then an angel? Seems to me that the FatOne is lacking in security and control that he wants to portray himself as a super nice guy by being a devil then an angel.

Tsk tsk tsk.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

FatOne @ FS

Heehee. Cute? Comes with a red g-string too... and a funky ear-ring!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Tell me...

[07/03/07 5:38:42 PM] FatOne says: nope... if I'm wrong... tell me.

Was just digging through some older chat logs while talking to the Ah-Neh, and I saw this. I was amused for a while, and I wondered. I wondered if it's any use, because as per earlier blog posts, we've already seen that the FatOne will never accept that he is wrong. If that's the case, isn't this contradictory?

Or he meant to inform him only, but he will still insist he is right? If so...

WTD comic

New comic for the day

Flaunting of Wealth/Status

It doesn't seem to amaze me that till now, nobody - and I mean NOBODY, is impressed or awed by the way the FatOne flaunts his statuses and wealth.

Just on wednesday, SimpleOne got a call from the FatOne to join him for a FS session. Just when SimpleOne's reaching, he called the FatOne to check his location, and after chatting SimpleOne agreed to to meet him at T5, the FatOne asked a very funny question, one that doesn't need to be asked.

"You can go into T5 or not?"

Now, this is a very funny question, it has been a long time since we started FSing at T5, and riding on K's face we've already been quite well known at the area(s) there, the waiter/ress knows us, the bouncers knows us, even the owner(s) of the clubs knows us by now. We've been able to enter T5 without paying cover charge for a long time.

I really wondered what made the FatOne think this way, then I found out...

We reached T5 and I told one of the regular waiter that I wanted a bottle of Black Label opened, after handing him my credit card (nothing to wow here, just a normal card :P). As he passed me the bill, which was 20% discounted for members, he informed me that his boss is controlling discounts, which was only for members, and also controlling mixture flow etc. He also told me that the FatOne has already signed up for the membership at T5.

At a thousand or so dollars membership, you'll get:

- 5 bottles of drinks
- Usage of members lounge
- Usage of couches
- Free flow of mixtures

In short, the waiter was trying to get me signed up as a member, but what for? Why would I need this useless membership? If he can't give me the discount, I can always go other clubs. When I got my bottle card back after I finished my drink, the card was labeled "2 guests only" whereas it was printed at the bottom - "4 guests entry". To me it doesn't matter, I don't bring guests in anyway. SimpleOne can enter on his own, so can I, the membership idea is worthless to us, totally.

What use would I have to pay upfront for this 5 bottles of liquor to use an empty area with no crowd to mingle with, no girls to see? T5 is not a prestige club that warrants the "wow" factor of membership. In short, being a member there is stupid. Obviously, the FatOne sees it as otherwise. You go to FS at T5, is not to go the member's lounge to chat.

A clear showcase of flaunting his new founded status/wealth, he asked SimpleOne if he can enter, if not he will bring him in as a guest. The question of SimpleOne able to enter or not was his first step to announce his new found status if SimpleOne replied "no".

The 2nd flaunt came when the FatOne took the Ah-Neh up to the member's lounge in the excuse of it's too warm at the bar counter, the aircon is better at the member's lounge.

I'm just so amused by the FatOne's actions if he thinks that by doing all these we will look up to him and be wow'ed by his newfound status? We were totally amused, not wowed. LoL.

Till today, he obviously doesn't get it that - wealth flaunting, status throwing is not going to get him any respect. Till date, he is the only person I know who steps inside the member's lounge at the club, the member's area there is normally a ghost town. The aircon was just an excuse for him to show us he can enter.

Just for the record, we've already been inside the members' lounge, ate, seated, drink and made merry way before he even entered there. And we aren't members.

What's the purpose of trying to be exclusive? Oops sorry, I mean excluded from the group :P


What membership do you have?

I have credit card membership.
CuteOne has Friends of Zoo membership.

Well, the FatOne has T5 membership LoL!


Maybe it's time to let the FatOne taste his own medicine. The time has cometh?

The best way to let others know how one is feeling, is to pay back the person in his own coin.

I did mention before, that anybody, ANYBODY, crosses me, I will repay him 10 times of what was due to me. Even if I have to go bankrupt, friendless, jobless, jailed - whatever - I will go all out to deliver a blow so painful that the person will never forget.

I want the person to writhe in agony, suffer in pain and feel so hurt that he will never forget for the rest of his life. I will make sure your life will be in total misery and neither of your family will get any peace.

Am I capable of such devilish act? Try me. I dare you to. As of now, my tolerance level is still at 0. Raise it to 10 if you dare.

You have been warned.

Disregards for others

Obviously, the FatOne has no regards for others, that's why till now nobody has any regards for him. His childish, juvenile and despicable mannerisms will one day get the better of him.

What goes round, comes around, just like what goes up must come down. Apart from spending $ and spreading untruths/half-truths about people and things, what else is he capable of?

Before one judges and sees others, one should learn to think about themselves first, are they really what they think of themselves to be?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Some definitions

Some definitions from Wikipedia

Egotism is a doctrine that individual self-interest is the appropriate motive of all conscious action. Such a belief asserts that individual self-interest is the valid end of all actions. Egotism manifests as excessive rationalization, denial, narcissism, as well as the inordinate concern for oneself, or a tendency to speak or write of oneself boastfully and at great length. Egotism may also be coupled with an inflated sense of one's own importance, at the denial of others. This conceit is a character trait, which describes a person who acts to gain values in an amount greater than that of the values he/she gives to others. Egotism is often accomplished by exploiting the altruism, irrationality and ignorance of others, as well as utilizing coercive force and/or fraud.

Egotism differs from both altruism, or acting to gain fewer values than are being given, and egoism, a determination to gain and give an equal amount or degree of values. Various forms of "empirical egoism" can be consistent with egotism, as long as the value of one's own self-benefit is entirely individual.

Superiority complex refers to a subconscious neurotic mechanism of compensation developed by the individual as a result of feelings of inferiority. The term was coined by Alfred Adler (February 7, 1870 – May 28, 1937), as part of his School of Individual Psychology.

Those exhibiting the superiority complex commonly project their feelings onto others they perceive as inferior to themselves. Accusations of arrogance and cockiness are often made by others when referring to the individual exhibiting the superiority complex.

Behaviors related to this mechanism may include an exaggeratedly positive opinion of one’s worth and abilities, unrealistically high expectations in goals and achievements for oneself and others, vanity, extravagant style in dressing (with intention of drawing attention), pride, sentimentalism and affected exaltation, snobbism, a tendency to discredit other’s opinions, forcefulness aimed at dominating those considered as weaker or less important, credulity, and others.

Social aloofness, daydreaming, isolation could also be associated to the Superiority Complex, as a way to evade the fear of failure related to the feelings of inadequacy to face real world.

Superiority and Inferiority Complex are often found together as the different expressions of the same pathology.

Action, as a concept in philosophy, is what humans can do.


This fits the FatOne, TOTALLY.

This is sooooooooooooo kewl!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Guide to Getting Better Pictures

This is the FatOne's path in photography. He has tonnes of equipment, but till date, I see no good images from his mass equipment. Citing that Canon sux, he invested tonnes in Nikon 135 format, now he moves on to 120 format, but still, I see no "wow" images.

Perhaps even the suckiest vista edition from M$ would wow me more than his images.

Sure sure... he will say he never show me that's why I won't know. Sure... say whatever you want, you always give 1001 reasons for a simple lie you made up, and another 1001 for every loophole you failed to cover up when you lie...

Yadda yadda yadda.

The Oily 9 Commandments

1) I'm the All-mighty Oily FatOne.

2) Thou shalt not anger me with things/words I do not want to hear. Speak only what I want to hear, sweeten me with sugar and I shall be your friend.

3) Thou shalt not question my actions as it is my personal life, but I shall have all rights to demand of you to submit a daily routine log of your whereabouts, actions and thoughts. Even if you were in bed with your SO, I demand to know.

4) Thou shalt be in guilt of treason if you refuse to help me do what I ask of, but after a period of time, assist others in the same task.

5) Thee shall agree to trust me in whatever I do, and not question me, I will however, doubt thee if necessary.

6) Thy appearance at coffee meet ups with my purchase of drinks, is nothing more than an investment.

7) Tests shalt be upon your shoulders, for me to judge you to be deem worthy as my friends, the tests shall vary and regardless the end result, I will use my 1001 reasons to disqualify you.

8) My words are the gospel truth, I live by my farked up principles.

9) You all are deemed no ROI when you all don't buy things from me.

Getting Respect

So much for talking about how to respect others, and how to treat friends as such, perhaps today I'll just talk more about getting the respect you want from others.

The FatOne has a flawed theory that in order to get the respect and attention you want - you spend money. Simple theory isn't it? Like at a club, if you want to be famous and well known, you spend on drinks, you buy shots (like 20 shots at a go from the same lady). Hey, hell, you get the respect you wanted, the wrong kind that is.

Is this the kind of respect you want to portray for others to look up to you? So that others can treat you like a chopping board, to chop carrot head(s)? Just like attention, there's the kind with the wrong attention and the kind with the right attention. You definitely do not want to be getting the wrong attention from the person(s) you're with.

Is spending money equates to getting respect? You seriously think spending a lot of money on drinks for people at even coffee places makes the waiter/waitresses respect you and look up to you? Role model? Role model in what? Getting fat? Getting chopped? Treated like carrot head?

Money isn't everything, but pathetically this will never stick in the FatOne's head, 'cos to him, he only has cash, nothing else. He likes to lose the whole world to gain cash. Cash that he can carry to death with him, build a double-storey air-conditioned coffin, complete with Sony(TM) Playstation 2000, 100" HDMI TV, etc.

Heck, he can even lay his coffin with cash to support his body!

Get the right respect, by respecting others, not by buying drinks and spending money on people.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Regarding GadGtiz

WRT this post, I remember correctly, there was once the FatOne wasn't around to do his collection for his various MO stuff.

It was GadGitz who helped the FatOne to take his stuff... sit around the collection area whole evening waiting for people to come and collect.

So it's ok to not know somebody so well, but on the other hand, entrust the person with things that are meant for others.

The irony.

I think all these have started due to the loop hole in the things the FatOne says or do. To cover up the loophole (:>:> read the dedication), uses another one to cover up and cover up and cover up... end up, the mess gets bigger and bigger, and since he will never admit he's wrong... things snowball...

What irony...

Bearing Grudges...

How this whole thing started probably was due to people bearing grudges over the most minor thing(s) that the FatOne took out of context to kick off with.

nw75 had his first started when he organised a XF shoot on saturday without inviting the FatOne to it. Somehow, the FatOne found out from J about the shoot and he started calling SimpleOne and me to ask if we had been there to shoot.

How do I know it's a grudge? The FatOne told me that if he organizes any shoot in the future, surely, it will not include nw75 as nw75 didn't include FatOne in nw75's shoot.

After hearing this, if I said "Why must nw75 ask you along?", he'd probably counter with "Why should I ask nw75 along then?"

This is the FatOne's big problem, he made a problem out of nothing and claimed victimization. In the first place, what did nw75 do wrong by not inviting the FatOne to the shoot? nw75 didn't invite me, nw75 didn't invite the SimpleOne, was it because nw75 invited J? I don't see the relation to this whole issue.

The FatOne did say "Doesn't matter if I go or not, but must ask me along".

WTF? Another one of those "I, Me, Myself" theories? What theory is this?!?!

Why was this the beginning of the nightmare and used as the basis of nw75 being a Super Moderator for the NUF and that he renamed NUG to SNUG and thus nw75 is against the FatOne?

Naggy, Long-winded...

The average man talks about 1/10 as much as a normal woman does.

The FatOne talks about 10 times as much as a normal woman does.

And out of the 10 times, 9 times are probably re-runs.

And the last time, probably something re-re-runs.

For a man, one should talk less and do more.

Thick/Dense Skull

Is it due to too much fats in the wrong area causing one to have a skull that's thicker and denser than normal humans?

Why is it so hard to understand what others wants and requests for you NOT to do? How hard is it to listen and DO what others want?

You demand whole day long that people do what you want. Why can't you for a change do what people tell you to?

i) Don't call/sms people at unearthly hours, how hard is it to do so? Don't you know what's the meaning of respecting other's people privacy and time? And especially all the more so when people told you explicitly NOT TO? Is this respect?

ii) Be true to friends, NOT to lie. What's so hard about telling the truth? You want people to tell you the truth, why can't you? That's respect right?

Why are things that people tell you going in from one ear, and out of the other immediately? Is it empty like an airhead, or too dense from all the complicated thinkings conjured up?

Monday, March 12, 2007

Life is about choices...

Was just talking to my colleagues the other day about transvestites, lady boys, prostitutes and the likes. No, we weren't smiting them with our high and mighty selves, just talking about them. Why they want to be as such?

I told my colleague, they don't have a choice, if they have they won't be as such. Nobody likes to work as such.

My 9th-mth-old colleague (fresh grad) commented very sharply, everybody has a choice, they can choose what they want to be, but why be a prostitute, it's fine being a trans/ladyboy, but why do the further. They have a choice. It's up to them to make the choice.


I remember the FatOne telling me he has no choice, he has been through a lot. The fact is still this, EVERYBODY HAS A CHOICE. He has a choice. I think what my friend mentioned is very true, everybody HAS a choice, the CHOICE is yours to make/decide.

Do you dare to take the choice that leads to the unknown, or persist in the folly that you don't have a choice?

The choice is YOURS!

I failed the test

I can't believe I had to pass a friendship test from the FatOne, afterall, he initiated to let bygones be bygones and told me to start afresh.

From a business point of view, any product, should be rewarded with at least a 100% return. All I did was to tell him that, and guess what, he said I failed the test. He himself told me he's a businessman, and I replied him from a business point of view that at least a 100% return is justifiable, he took this as a test of sorts, and claimed I failed his test.

I do not know where the test came from, who approved it and how it judged me as I was.

[07/03/07 5:35:27 PM] FatOne says: Just to inform you that I've actually already agree to let go to L at $5... just wanted you see your reaction.
[07/03/07 5:36:30 PM] FatOne says: a test to see if you're still the same old WN.
[07/03/07 5:36:46 PM] FatOne says: sad to tell you that you did not pass that test.
[07/03/07 5:37:23 PM] FatOne says: you mentioned that since I bring it in... I expect more than 100% profits.

If you bring in a product at $3, you can sell it at $8, or more why settle for $5? Was I wrong from a business POV? What does this test prove anyway? How should I have answered?

"Oh just sell lor, $5 is better than nothing?" Then will I be called WN? Will I then be called "You are not the WN I know, you never think for me." Why is it that things I do and words I say without motives are not taken into the heart, instead meanings were twisted to fit what the FatOne wants to assume as (the worst?).


What causes insecurity?

Seriously, what causes insecurity, and oversensitivity?

Is it not enough money?

No, it's too much money.

One would place the money value over other stuff, whore-shipping papers of value. The insecurity of losing all these papers would cause one to want more, yearn for more, lust for more.

I once watched a HK TVB serial - Xuan Zhong Ji (did I get the name wrong?), a beggar who was given over 1000 taels of gold after a general found out he was one of his soldier earlier, who fought the war(s) but ended up in naught after the war ended. The general thought this would be good enough repayment for his years of fighting.

Naturally, one would be happy and spend the money either investing in business and/or live better off. Instead the beggar chose to hide in his little rundown temple, installing blockages on the windows, doors and hide inside counting his cash everyday.

He would then get paranoid, hide all the gold in different areas in the temple, burying them, counting the number of taels every now and then. Refusing to see the outside world, not trusting anybody, and being over insecure of the gold getting stolen. He fell sick not long later and refusing to see the doctor too. His money value was over what everything else was. Even his only friend that he trusts, now no longer trusts.

His friend tried to persuade him to go and see a doctor, was very sincere in getting help for this friend (although just a beggar, they met very much earlier, but his friend never despised him even though he was a beggar). The old beggar not only refused but claimed that he was after his money and welfare.

Resorted to no choice, the friend consulted his home young master, and the young master referencing a spell book, managed to charm the beggar into a deep sleep causing him to think that what happened so far was just a dream. When the beggar woke up, only to find 1 tael of silver, he was a much happier person.

Too much money is not a good thing.

Over sensitivity will be caused by insecurity of materialistic pleasures, purchases, spending money and worry of people snatching your money.

Thus conclusion is - Money is the root of all evil.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Golden Rule

I just remembered this very important rule in life.

"Do what you want others to do to you"

In short,

- if you want people to respect you, you respect them.
- if you want people to listen to you, you listen to them.
- if you want people to trust you, you trust them.

I think this is explanation enough.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Spending money must come along with size of ego.

Pity, I do not have this kind of ego and money.

I do not and cannot spend $200 on 20 shots just because 1 girl asks me to buy for her at the club.

Why spend so much? So won't lose face mah.

Spend more money, so people think you big spender, then people will treat you nice mah. Right? Make sense. I wonder why I'm a small spender, but people still treat me as nice. Weird.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Size of Ego

Friendship Tests!

Test 1
Test 2
Test 3

Gold 90.5FM

Sure, you say you think and felt what you do is right, there are people who stand on your side.

Similarly, there are people who think otherwise. And you choose of course to hear only the things you wanted to.

Gold 90.5FM - Hear only the good stuff.

Thursday, March 8, 2007


When a friend criticises you, one should keep quiet and think, not in a hurry to defend oneself. Friends don't say things and get angry if they don't care about you in the first place. It will be one's stubborness, obstinate and pride that cause a shield to defend oneself.

Pride comes before downfall.


I'm never right but I will listen to what friends tell me about others, but I learn to use my eyes to see and believe in people. I use my own heart to see people, but before I look at people, I will learn to look at myself first.

Live, learn, it's a non-stop and continous process.

Am I no longer the WasNeutral I used to be? Perhaps. But neither is the FatOne that I used to know either. No point arguing about this. These are just plain facts.

How one should talk as friends.

I was just chatting with CuteOne via MSN earlier... all of a sudden I got into this habit after certain sentences.

(p/s: Not testing your friendship, no grading necessary)

(p/s: Not a lie, no motive)

Wah, if I have to live like this always scared, always over suspicious, I rather go up to the 73rd floor of Swissotel and then jump down.

Probably call the insurance agent first too, need to mend the hole created.

Richter Scale has a new level - 20.


Accepting apologies but do not trust the person is a waste of time.

If you do not trust the person, do not say things like "start afresh" and behind the person scheme to test and judge the person is true in accepting your suggestion.

It's as good as saying "Sorry God, for I have sinned, but I hope you don't mind I do it a few more times". If one is not sincere, why turn around and blame the other?

What tomfoolery is this?

What tomfoolery is accepting apologies for something I didn't even need to apologise for, and then tell me you have accepted the apology but don't mean trust the person?

The irony of apologies and how it works, totally twisted.

My reasoning(s) in arguments are flawed? Guess where I learned the skill of such stupid argument from. No prizes for guessing.

Friendship is...

i) unconditional

ii) survives and endures trial TOGETHER

iii) Not based on one to test the other and judge the person as unworthy if he fails the 'test'

iv) not quick to judge the other when somebody comments on the person instead of looking from the person's own heart

v) not saying what the person wants to hear, but what they should hear.

True friends...

True friends:

i) Say what you don't like to hear, because they know it's true and the truth hurts

ii) Don't 見人說人話,見鬼說鬼話

iii) Stand by you when you are right

iv) Don't have motives when doing things

v) Stand by you when you is down.

vi) Don't tell lies (white, black)

Round and Round the Merry-Go-Round

Just when I thought everything is peaceful. It is back again. Below is part of a conversation between FatOne and WasNeutral, and some how I was dragged into it. Hais. Round and round we go again.

[9:42:01 AM] FatOne says: she requested the loan of a notebook from me... Not I go to her to loan her! make this clear.
If you had to lie to loan it to me, I rather not loan it

[9:43:25 AM] FatOne says: So now she finish using the notebook where she needs it at that time and now she don't... she comes and tell you to informed me that she regret borrowing from me?
Wouldnt one regret loaning something if the reason of loan is made up ? I rather have gone without that notebook.

The only thing true here is he LIED !!!

Trust him to come up with such crap. When I first found out it was pure disappointment. And the "flawless" story of singnet giving him a newer version because the older version was out-of-stock. The fact is there is no need to lie about the source of the notebook in the first place.

[9:49:22 AM] FatOne says: Why must I tell you about my personal life?
Doesnt like to tell people, but loves to know about others personal life.

[9:53:46 AM] FatOne says: you can dun care... but I have my principles to follows. whether you accept my principles or not... will depends whether you accept me as a ftriend or not.
I wonder if the principle of his life is to make up white lies to make everything look nicer.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Proud, I is...

"But as time passes, has become proud after getting D2x".

I'm proud, I'm egoistic, I'm a wanker, I'm a D2x user.

Steady, I love this. Those of you who cannot stand me using/used a D2x (aka 2nd-top-of-the-line DSLR from Nikon), steer clear of me ;)

Humans vs Zerg

Hydralisks goes... "pui pui pui". One of my favourite attack units.

Pui pui pui pui....

I'll be there for you...

So no one told you life was going to be this way.
Your job's a joke, you're broke, you're love life's DOA.
It's like you're always stuck in second gear,
Well, it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year.

But, I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour.
I'll be there for you, like I've been there before.
I'll be there for you, cause you're there for me too.

You're still in bed at ten, the work began at eight.
You've burned your breakfast, so far, things are going great.
Your mother warned you there'd be days like these,
But she didn't tell you when the world has brought you down to your knees.

That, I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour.
I'll be there for you, like I've been there before.
I'll be there for you, cause you're there for me too.

No one could ever know me, no one could ever see me.
Seems like you're the only one who knows what it's like to be me.
Someone to face the day with, make it through all the rest with,
Someone I'll always laugh with, even at my worst, I'm best with you.

It's like you're always stuck in second gear,
Well, it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year.

But, I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to pour.
I'll be there for you, like I've been there before.
I'll be there for you, cause you're there for me too.

-- I'll Be There for You. Rembrandts.

Friends...old song.

Packing up the dreams God planted
In the fertile soil of you
Cant believe the hopes hes granted
Means a chapter in your life is through
But well keep you close as always
It wont even seem youve gone
cause our hearts in big and small ways
Will keep the love that keeps us strong

And friends are friends forever
If the lords the lord of them
And a friend will not say never
cause the welcome will not end
Though its hard to let you go
In the fathers hands we know
That a lifetimes not too long to live as friends.

With the faith and love gods given
Springing from the hope we know
We will pray the joy youll live in
Is the strength that now you show

But well keep you close as always
It wont even seem youve gone
cause our hearts in big and small ways
Will keep the love that keeps us strong

-- Friends. Michael W. Smith.

The FatOne that I used to know...

Used to go out for model shoots, have coffee, did small small MOs, had good lobangs, was a nice friend, going out of the extra mile to do B/W prints by hand for me.

Downside, likes to talk too much, call people at late hours but still ok. I could live with all these.

But as time passes, MOs become more important, business more important, insecurity sets in, demands rises, everything became money oriented.

What are friends? How do you define one? People should change, but for the better.

I is CBD...(Part 2)

[11:22:42 AM] FatOne says: good morning, CBD! :D
[11:22:59 AM] WN says: I is CBD :(
[11:23:05 AM] FatOne says: I got something to give you to buy your friendship... wanna?
[11:23:15 AM] WN says: I is CBD :(
[11:23:29 AM] FatOne says: I know you is CBD... you wanna or not?
[11:23:43 AM] WN says: Give me? So nice?
[11:23:45 AM] WN says: I is CBD :(
[11:24:04 AM] FatOne says: sigh... talking to a CBD fellow, waste my time.

How do you define friends?

Much earlier, after I got de-registered from ChildishStupid forums. I received a PM from the NSG Rep asking me to distance myself and not get involved with the FatOne's business on ChildishStupid forum.

His reason were simple, his boss (NSG GM) supports our events (workshops etc, hey, but for whose benefit is this???) so when the FatOne is not taking stock from them (but from HK, Gray etc), his boss is not happy.

I told him straight off, I said, why should I? There are plenty others out in the market that do the same thing, getting parallel imports etc, I even named him one other personal on ChildishStupid forum doing the same thing.

It's all about being fair... but none that matters anymore. LoL...

To pay or not to pay

Earlier, a friend mentioned that he wanted to organise a model photo-shoot on board a vessel, the cost was going to come up to something significant definitely. My friend had earlier asked me to get people to help, which - of course, I had already in mind who to call along for the shoot. Steady, friend ask for help. I do it.

The thing is this, they are helpers, going to help out in the event (no renumeration from NSG or the organiser or whatever). My friends are pretty steady, because they just like me - want to go participate, have fun and fellowship. CuteOne, GadGitz, SimpleOne, were a few among those I asked to go and help out. They all readily agreed being the close-knit bunch we are.

However, the costs seem too much to be covered by the shooting participants alone, sponsorship wasn't enough to cover everything, even lunch sponsor by NSG wasn't enough. My friend thereby suggested that all the helpers fork out $30 in contribution to the event.

Needless to say, I of course strongly objected, if you want people to work for free, it's ok, we all don't mind because of the word - friends. We don't get appreciated, nevermind, we just want to gather, have fun and enjoy ourselves.

According to the FatOne, he disagrees, he thinks it's all right for the helpers to fork out the $30 in contribution to the event as they are there to eat, drink lunch and to enjoy themselves. He thinks $30 is not too much to ask for.

I stand by my friends, so strongly that I vehemently objected to my friends having to contribute to the event monetary wise. They've already volunteered to contribute their time/effort from their only precious 2 days weekends to help out. I don't think nor see the need for the $30 contribution. That is, unless, the helpers are participating in the shoot. But as usual, I see them running about - GadGitz - event photographer, CuteOne/SimpleOne - logistics, crowd control etc.

I leave you all to agree/disagree on this.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Is I...

Why is I CBD?


I is CBD.

CBD, I is.



For a moment I thought the FatOne did a jump...


Monday, March 5, 2007

Rubba Rubba

Rubs tummy and waves...

Getting a bit quiet around here, think things have died down and finally dust has settled and the mountain is now dormant as it should be.

And...well I didn't strike toto. :(