Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Life is never smooth sailing, what goes up must come down.

A couple went to a pastor for marriage counseling.

The pastor's first question was "Have you both ever quarreled?"

The bride happily and proudly replied - "No, we've never quarreled!"

The pastor pointed his finger to the door and said "Go, quarrel, come back once you've done so".

We may be wondering why so, but it's really very simple. You cannot expect everything to be always smooth sailing, if the sea rocks, the boat capsizes, that's where everything will happen. It's not to tease the couple that the pastor pointed them to the door, but it's for the good of them. If after marriage they quarrel, they would probably end up in divorce due to the sudden change and new experience.

My point is this... in life there are ups and downs, you have disappointments, so do others. I've let my parents down in times of my life, I've let friends down in times, I've caused trauma etc.

So life is never smooth sailing, remember that. What goes up, eventually must come down. Just like stock market.

As again - "Life is very miserable already, enjoy it. Don't make it worse for yourself".

1 comment:

RotiJohn said...

true we need conflicts in our life to understand each other better.

iron sharpens iron.
conflicts builds us up, provides opportunity to learn & grow