Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Gaining Pity

Forums: I also understand you may feel aggrieved and you may not be the one who started this

See why the FatOne is pathetic?

He has to gain pity in order to look victimised. A guy who cannot stand on his own two feet and defend himself. He's a GAY that cannot stand on his own, he needs to stand with others, have others take pity on him, throw him a few dollars for food.

He cannot survive in the world, he is nothing more than a parasite, one that must cling on to something to grow, like Venom in Spiderman 3. Without a host, he is useless. That's why he's so gutless to meet up, instead, he will say I'm not worth his effort for 1-1. He can only go online, act pitiful behind the screen, like a beggar, begging for people to take pity on him.

Awww... so sad :( but wait. Isn't that the FatOne's style? Hahaha...


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