Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Another example of being pathetic

FatOne: Hmmm... apparantly somebody got excited over mushrooms. Must be grown full of it over his pinoy bald head. Can't blame... cos he is always an idiot as usual.... Sigh!...

I am just complaining about my sucky work earlier, some big empty vessel boss comes in and make some stupid comments over my system. Just like a heap of **** that grows full of mushrooms.

Someone just got excited over it.


See? Hiding behind his screen on his chair that's groaning due to his weight, thinking that the whole world revolved around him.

Can't even spell some words correctly. FatOne 4tw!

As usual, twisting his intentions to reflect something that's not true, complaining about his work? If he was, why would he be so uptight about mushrooms? Haha... self-confession and self-trapped into acknowledging himself as the FatOne and being pathetic. Muahaha... LOSER.

Always finding excuses for his mistakes, why can't he be like a man and stand up to it instead of trying to argue that he's always right? Hahaha... FAT ASS.

As again.. FatOne 4tw!

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