Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Life is never smooth sailing, what goes up must come down.
The pastor's first question was "Have you both ever quarreled?"
The bride happily and proudly replied - "No, we've never quarreled!"
The pastor pointed his finger to the door and said "Go, quarrel, come back once you've done so".
We may be wondering why so, but it's really very simple. You cannot expect everything to be always smooth sailing, if the sea rocks, the boat capsizes, that's where everything will happen. It's not to tease the couple that the pastor pointed them to the door, but it's for the good of them. If after marriage they quarrel, they would probably end up in divorce due to the sudden change and new experience.
My point is this... in life there are ups and downs, you have disappointments, so do others. I've let my parents down in times of my life, I've let friends down in times, I've caused trauma etc.
So life is never smooth sailing, remember that. What goes up, eventually must come down. Just like stock market.
As again - "Life is very miserable already, enjoy it. Don't make it worse for yourself".
Monday, February 26, 2007
Read and Be Gone, You Bastard.
CuteOne speaks...
[1:54:51 PM] FatOne says: I take in and did think for a while. That's why I wanted to talk earlier which you ppl don't give me the chance.
Haa Haa. ROFL. My toes are laughing.
[1:55:45 PM] FatOne says: Anyway, if it you guys had not blog all these, I would not have choosen the final path which I am taking. I took me 2 days to consider.
Has FatOne ever thought about why all this is happening ? It is his BIG FAT EGO !!!
[1:57:25 PM] FatOne says: Did you guys expect this outcome in the first place?
I'm glad he got what he expected.
[1:58:41 PM] FatOne says: Nah... anyway the answer is no longer important to me now as it has already blown out of porpotion. And all these are what I expected earlier, that's why I insist on not have war.
[1:59:05 PM] FatOne says: Although I know I started it... but don't let it go to higher level.
I wonder why it got to higher level. Some people just wouldnt admit to their doings. Well, what to do. Some are always right. I've endured him for very long. But each time it gets worst and worst. WTF, expect me to still stand by his side. CRAP!!!
[2:02:06 PM] FatOne says: You guys are not forcing me to do things I would jolly well regret it later. SO DUN DO IT... I'll stop my reply in STG from now on as long as no more nonsense from any of them.
At four o'clock there is still reply from the FatOne.
[2:03:20 PM] FatOne says: And to GadGitz... Threatening will not solve any problems. When you ever going to learn to control your temper? Grow Up!!!
Grow up ? I wonder who is the oldest here. If FatOne learnt to control his temper and his ego, all this wouldnt even be happening. Dont put the blame on others.
[11:12:09 AM] FatOne says: I'll be smsing CuteOne to ask for all my loan lens. I know she won't want to see me, likewise, I am very disappointed with her and I don't wish to see her too.
I wonder who is more disappointed. I've given way by agreeing to go watch phantom with FatOne, but he insist on his way. Fine, I still can tolerate. But today he has drawn his line. He is officially out of my circle of friends. You want your stuff, get it from me, there is not need to go through someone else.
[11:13:16 AM] FatOne says: Sorry I did know of FF1 since Friday when I ques you.
I wonder what is hidden agenda now.
[11:14:16 AM] FatOne says: My last line is not to do it online... but you guys had to force me to this morning calling me a moron.
I wonder how many times it has been said that not to sms/call when it is late. FYI the sms came it near midnight.
[11:14:45 AM] FatOne says: I already stay low yesterday only via sms... and someone got to force me out.
[11:14:48 AM] FatOne says: so out I am.
Wonder who came out first.
[11:16:03 AM] FatOne says: I had a blog account with google since almost 8yrs and not doing anything. :D
Like every other things he thought of doing. But when he is done, he is angry 'cos he cant claim credit.
[11:25:54 AM] FatOne says: Sorry morning really cannot help it after looking at KO's post.
[11:26:08 AM] FatOne says: Nowadays my patience is getting lesser.
So who started the whole sega today ? Who ask for all this trouble ? I wonder I wonder.
[11:37:00 AM] FatOne says: tell CuteOne that... ask her dun push me to a next higher level... Just return me back the stuff and we close case.
[11:37:08 AM] FatOne says: I let them cool, who let me cool?
[11:37:23 AM] FatOne says: they know how to be angry then I cannot be angry lah?
[11:38:10 AM] FatOne says: LKM already stepping on my line... he stills owe me the cloth for the fotoflex panel. so ask CuteOne dun try to be funny with me.
Why must I even bother keeping his stuff when he give me such crap ? When at good terms, loan everything out. Then cut everything and publish online. It has been hush hush, but he wants to blow it out of proportion. Dumb imbecile ass.
In case Mr FatOne is reading...
in case you are reading - u are lucky this england teacher only know how to type 4 letter words to describe ur asinine, childish and menopausable behaviour cos current google cannot handle hokkien characters. u are almost hitting 40? gosh... i thot i came across some kids today who displayed the same behaviour when told to behave...
i had nothing against you, even tho u had all sorts of arguments with the rest of the STGers. u CROSSED my line when u decide to piss off and challenge the entire NUF team. who the HECK gave u the idea YOU own NUG/NUF? u want me to request PE to publically give you a dressing down?
so if you are still lurking on this blog and reading (and dat goes to whoever decided to pass him a copy of my comments), tough. u can buy watever new frens u like. i can only say it was a pleasure knowing you... when you were a little saner.
hasta la vista...
As per requested... (part 2)
[1:51:13 PM] FatOne says: you there?
[1:51:43 PM] WN says: ya
[1:51:54 PM] FatOne says: great, at last you guys learn not to hide and talk behind then claim there is no hidden agenda. :D
[1:52:09 PM] FatOne says: I read your comments.
[1:52:19 PM] FatOne says: This is what it seems as it is.
[1:54:07 PM] WN says: Hmm?
[1:54:14 PM] FatOne says: I actually told the stories to a few others and let them judge if it is as clean as it seems... and the answers is that NUF wants to own NUG. Although I do have a few feedbacks that NUG is not that important as I want it to be. And to fight over it may not be worth it.
[1:54:51 PM] FatOne says: I take in and did think for a while. That's why I wanted to talk earlier which you ppl don't give me the chance.
[1:54:53 PM] WN says: What ever.
[1:54:58 PM] WN says: It doesn't matter.
[1:55:45 PM] FatOne says: Anyway, if it you guys had not blog all these, I would not have choosen the final path which I am taking. I took me 2 days to consider.
[1:55:51 PM] WN says: It doesn't matter it's NUF take NUG or whatever
[1:56:03 PM] WN says: It doesn't matter who wins who lose
[1:56:12 PM] FatOne says: Anyway, it is over now...
[1:56:20 PM] WN says: Yep.
[1:57:06 PM] FatOne says: yes you're right... No win and No lose... and all readers in CS gets to enjoy the saga... ppl like JNet6 can appear in straight away after disappearing for so long...
[1:57:25 PM] FatOne says: Did you guys expect this outcome in the first place?
[1:57:45 PM] WN says: There was nothing to expect, nothing that was necessary to be expected
[1:58:41 PM] FatOne says: Nah... anyway the answer is no longer important to me now as it has already blown out of porpotion. And all these are what I expected earlier, that's why I insist on not have war.
[1:59:05 PM] FatOne says: Although I know I started it... but don't let it go to higher level.
[1:59:09 PM] WN says: Yeah, not impt liao
[1:59:17 PM] FatOne says: not impt liao...
[1:59:21 PM] WN says: Yup.
[2:00:07 PM] FatOne says: enjoy your life. And I still need to depend on you to help get those items back. I do not want the war to go 1 more level higher...
[2:00:37 PM] WN says: I've always been enjoying
[2:00:54 PM] WN says: Always have been WN, aka espn aka wazzup aka PlayingGods aka _espn_ on ChildishStupid
[2:01:07 PM] WN says: I think life is too miserable already... all these make it worse... FS FS FS !
[2:02:06 PM] FatOne says: You guys are not forcing me to do things I would jolly well regret it later. SO DUN DO IT... I'll stop my reply in STG from now on as long as no more nonsense from any of them.
[2:02:59 PM] WN says: Hur...nobody can force anybody to do anything... it takes both to clap, left and right hand, just like a dick and a pussy, takes 2 to fuck too :D
[2:03:20 PM] FatOne says: And to GadGitz... Threatening will not solve any problems. When you ever going to learn to control your temper? Grow Up!!!
[2:04:03 PM] FatOne says: err... I do agree on the left and right hand thingy... but not the d*** & p**** thingy.
[2:05:01 PM] WN says: U don't tell me that... tell that to GadGitz.
[2:05:17 PM] FatOne says: Nope. Just Blog it as usual.
[2:05:24 PM] FatOne says: signing off.
Cost of Friendship
i. 3 PSP Games (Which I dunno which 3)
ii. 2gb Memory Stick
iii. Nikon AF50 f/1.4 with HS-9 and Nikon Hood Hat
iv. Nikon AFS18-200VR f/3.5-5.6G Box w/Manual & Warranty Card (And I have to sell mine cos FatOne insists on loaning it to me)
The line is drawn
I hereby declare that I do not have any affiliation to Mr Peter Sykes Tang.
You have trampled on thin ice, I didnt say anything. But you crossed the line today.
You want war, you have war.
You want back your stuff, list them. Else, too bad.
As per requested...
[11:10:13 AM] FatOne says: I know you'd still can talk to me.
[11:10:13 AM] FatOne says: right?
[11:10:57 AM] WN says: yup, why leh?
[11:11:12 AM] FatOne says: I need a last favour from you.
[11:11:14 AM] WN says: Unless u don't want me to talk to you then....
[11:11:24 AM] WN says: Noooo
[11:11:27 AM] WN says: I wont' bend over.
[11:11:30 AM] WN says: don't even try asking :D
[11:12:09 AM] FatOne says: I'll be smsing CuteOne to ask for all my loan lens. I know she won't want to see me, likewise, I am very disappointed with her and I don't wish to see her too.
[11:12:16 AM] WN says: Haiz...
[11:12:18 AM] WN says: Okie
[11:12:21 AM] FatOne says: Can I ask you to come in between.
[11:12:24 AM] WN says: don't sms her... lemme get it form her
[11:12:32 AM] FatOne says: ok.
[11:12:42 AM] WN says: Just let things die down... they all are heated
[11:13:16 AM] FatOne says: Sorry I did know of FF1 since Friday when I ques you.
[11:13:20 AM] WN says: I know
[11:13:23 AM] WN says: I is not stupid
[11:13:26 AM] WN says: :D
[11:13:32 AM] FatOne says: so you understand why now?
[11:13:38 AM] WN says: I all along know
[11:13:40 AM] WN says: and I all along understand
[11:14:16 AM] FatOne says: My last line is not to do it online... but you guys had to force me to this morning calling me a moron.
[11:14:30 AM] WN says: I didn't ah...
[11:14:38 AM] WN says: Not me.. LOL...
[11:14:45 AM] FatOne says: I already stay low yesterday only via sms... and someone got to force me out.
[11:14:48 AM] FatOne says: so out I am.
[11:14:51 AM] WN says: Okie
[11:15:20 AM] FatOne says: No point closing the blog... it is fun at least to see at last I got a blog. :D
[11:15:31 AM] WN says: yeah I know.
[11:15:37 AM] WN says: you should feel honoured :( nobody setup one for me
[11:15:41 AM] WN says: my blog nobody read also LOL~
[11:15:45 AM] WN says: I think later I go update mine
[11:16:03 AM] FatOne says: I had a blog account with google since almost 8yrs and not doing anything. :D
[11:16:05 AM] WN says: Sigh...
[11:16:18 AM] FatOne says: now I got my very own blog updated by my 'friends' sigh...
[11:16:23 AM] WN says: CuteOne ask you to quote her a price for the loaned lenses, she'll pay you for them instead.
[11:16:41 AM] FatOne says: no need... I still want the lens back.
[11:16:51 AM] FatOne says: told her before, I don't sell these lens.
[11:17:02 AM] WN says: you know her stubbornness
[11:17:05 AM] WN says: she won't return u
[11:17:17 AM] FatOne says: she can get from james or if she still wants, I can get from HK for her cheaper.
[11:17:33 AM] FatOne says: nope... tell her a loan is a loan. she must return.
[11:17:52 AM] WN says: Sigh... how I wish i can tio 10 million and end all this
[11:18:32 AM] FatOne says: 10million and no friends like me? :D
[11:18:53 AM] WN says: Eh... I got so many last time... until I anyhow take stones throw on the streets can kill a fwe
[11:18:55 AM] WN says: :D
[11:19:04 AM] WN says: nowadays, I keep to a few closer ones... better
[11:19:51 AM] FatOne says: :D
[11:19:57 AM] FatOne says: your friends die so easily?
[11:20:15 AM] WN says: No lah... end up all are like accquaintances cos too many liao
[11:20:25 AM] WN says: cannot concentrate and remember eveyrbody's interest/likes/jobs etc
[11:20:37 AM] FatOne says: btw since I got no more access to my dedicate blog... are you blogging this?:D
[11:21:03 AM] WN says: Probably, I don't know
[11:21:12 AM] WN says: I thin the blog is a good thing
[11:21:16 AM] FatOne says: btw help me ask CuteOne where she send the tickets to? which address...
[11:21:25 AM] WN says: Okie..
[11:21:27 AM] FatOne says: Oooo... so must talk carefully liao. :D
[11:21:39 AM] FatOne says: brb going toilet. :)
[11:21:39 AM] WN says: Too late liao, I can twist meanings, remember?
[11:21:41 AM] WN says: :D
[11:24:38 AM] FatOne says: oh ya... forgot.
[11:24:46 AM] WN says: too late.
[11:25:27 AM] FatOne says: I got so many sms and pms now asking what happen... sigh, dun they know that it dun involve them. sigh.
[11:25:54 AM] FatOne says: Sorry morning really cannot help it after looking at KO's post.
[11:26:08 AM] FatOne says: Nowadays my patience is getting lesser.
[11:30:03 AM] FatOne says: you still in?
[11:32:04 AM] WN says: yeah went toooo-let
[11:32:13 AM] WN says: Curb your temper a bit lor
[11:32:20 AM] WN says: I also kena a few when I replied your posts online
[11:32:23 AM] WN says: all the kay pohs
[11:32:25 AM] FatOne says: you ppl stop I stop...
[11:32:30 AM] WN says: I haven't start
[11:32:39 AM] WN says: if I really start, then everything really is the end liao
[11:32:41 AM] FatOne says: ok I mean they.
[11:32:56 AM] FatOne says: I was being forced to.
[11:33:00 AM] WN says: Nah, whatever lah
[11:33:04 AM] WN says: Life is short, enjyo yourself
[11:33:09 AM] FatOne says: DO you know how dishearten when I see the blog.
[11:33:22 AM] FatOne says: and you still denied that...
[11:33:25 AM] WN says: Do you know what the blog represents? It's their disappointment w/ u too...
[11:33:46 AM] FatOne says: That's where I decided there is no turning back liao...
[11:34:02 AM] FatOne says: I disappoint with you guys just like you guys disappoint in me...
[11:34:15 AM] FatOne says: I tried to explain.. but you ppl dun give me the chance.
[11:34:43 AM] FatOne says: so I draw a clear line yesterday quietly... and they call me a moron and challenge me somemore.
[11:35:02 AM] WN says: Me not the targetted audience
[11:35:05 AM] WN says: U owe me no explanation
[11:35:09 AM] WN says: I don't care also
[11:35:20 AM] FatOne says: This kind of fights with each other means no hope in patching up.
[11:35:31 AM] FatOne says: That's why I exploded online.
[11:35:53 AM] WN says: Whatever... what's done is done liao
[11:36:00 AM] WN says: No point looking back and talk about it liao lor
[11:36:02 AM] WN says: Live goes on
[11:36:16 AM] FatOne says: I still want a clean cut from them...
[11:36:26 AM] FatOne says: I want my stuff back.
[11:36:53 AM] WN says: Let them cool off.
[11:37:00 AM] FatOne says: tell CuteOne that... ask her dun push me to a next higher level... Just return me back the stuff and we close case.
[11:37:08 AM] FatOne says: I let them cool, who let me cool?
[11:37:23 AM] FatOne says: they know how to be angry then I cannot be angry lah?
[11:38:10 AM] FatOne says: LKM already stepping on my line... he stills owe me the cloth for the fotoflex panel. so ask CuteOne dun try to be funny with me.
[11:38:14 AM] WN says: Can, but everybody angry also nothing gets done
[11:38:56 AM] FatOne says: angry is angry, They borrowed things from me, and I expect return now. They spoilt it they have to pay dearly for it.
[11:39:42 AM] WN says: As again, me not targetted audeince LOl
[11:40:06 AM] FatOne says: I am no longer acting ignorance and keep mum all forced me to turn mad. So I do not allow discussion anymore.
[11:40:11 AM] WN says: Okie
[11:41:20 AM] WN says: Bo eng, I drafting letter to disturb my chio chio ex-hr manager to disturb her
[11:41:21 AM] WN says: late rlor
[11:41:30 AM] WN says: I'm horny :(
[11:45:41 AM] FatOne says: ok.
[11:46:37 AM] FatOne says: just do remember, I want a clean cut now... do it nicely and we parted nicely. If somebody choose the ugly way, I am all up to it.
[11:47:05 AM] WN says: this message meant for me?
[11:48:27 AM] FatOne says: to all...
[11:48:54 AM] WN says: oKIE..
[11:48:55 AM] FatOne says: far as I'm concern, you're clean with me... unless I still owe you anything.
[11:48:58 AM] WN says: I need to do anything?
[11:51:08 AM] FatOne says: nothing, except a favour to help me get back my stuff from CuteOne.
[11:51:20 AM] FatOne says: If you want me to pay you for this favour, name me a price.
[11:51:55 AM] WN says: Bend over :D
[11:55:54 AM] FatOne says: ok.. will get someone to do it.
[11:56:04 AM] WN says: ERm... the cow? :D
[11:56:08 AM] FatOne says: you prefer a guy or a gal?
[11:56:25 AM] WN says: Erm guy/gal? have?
Some random thoughts.
You made a comment out in the open, then you admit to the person you commented on that it was nothing personal and maybe it was not necessary. And after that you refuse to take it back or take it down. Being contradictory? This takes the cake! And next you say the only way to solve this is to sit down and talk but nobody wants to come out, go think again, why so. I told you many times of this too. Make peace, but with what price? You don't want to make peace, you want peace to be given by having the others do what you want.
You said the post was targetted at NUF not at nightwolf75, but then again, it's the same as you criticize the gahmen but not MM, then you expect the MM to take it lying down? Similarly why wouldn't nightwolf75 get fed up based on what you criticized? He has a hidden agenda for organizing NUG? Come on dude, not all are like Oracle/USM who do MOs and Canongraphers outing and split themselves into various groups. You are being over-sensitive FOR NOTHING. I already told you this over the phone last night. Just because he's a Super Moderator for NUF and organises NUG for NUF means they have a motive.
"it's been tossed ard for a while among the mods... so, in the new year, we have decided to refresh and restart the nong nong dormant gatherings by re-naming it"
-- excerpt from NUF
and you say NUF is taking NUG as theirs, if you want to twist words to achieve that kind of unhealthy thinking and be all worked up getting hypertension etc, then your life won't be very much longer. And if you say if nightwolf75 used "I" instead of "we" it is a personal move nothing to do with NUF. Have you ever heard of teamwork? Do you know what teamwork is? Do you know and understand the difference between "I" and "We"?
-- Kinda obvious you only know what is I, Me, Myself. --
You expect people to inform you of the things they do, WHY should they? Everybody has their privacy, expectations, circle of life and other friends. If you say they don't inform you means they don't respect you, then do you respect their rights and their personal life? This world is not about you.
Asking you to stand up to your mistakes it not the unmaking of a man, humility comes before pride. Sure, you have a pride to standby to, don't others? A REAL man stands up to his errs and admits them. Are you one?
Fat One's Crap
Sunday, February 25, 2007
"Personally...i felt compel.." <-- COMPEL KI LAN!!!
"25.02.2006, 4:41pm
Hi, GadGitz, I've just transferred $294 back to your posb for the phantom of the opera tickets. Personally i felt that it'll be a compel for you, CuteOne and likewise for myself to go together if we no longer enjoy each other company. Please arrange to return the tickets back to me asap. I apologise if it cost you any inconveniences. Msg CC:CuteOne."
What does he think i am? SiSTiC Outlet ah? SiSTiC don't even do refunds lor. I've transferred the $294 back to FatOne with the following SMS on 25.02.2007, 9:25pm :
"i have just transferred the amount back to you for the tickets. If that is insufficient or if you think the price of you being compel cost more, i will transfer more $ for your time and effort taken to help us get the tickets. We thank you for getting us the tickets and it was supppse to be just a simple transaction so do not complicate this matter, especially during this Chinese New Year because of $. Do not transfer any amount back to our accounts or to anyone and trouble others to return us the $.
I CC: this SMS to some of the others. If he harasses me one more time about this or i see the amount coming back to $, i will make make his life a living hell.
Cannot owe over CNY...
Private Message to him via Forum
iBook Monthly payment: 72.715
Total 24mths installment: 1745.16
Total paid to me up to date based on 72.72@24mths = 1745.28
Extra: $0.12.
TT'd back to you liaoz. Was going to TT back to you after the full payment, so, better settle it now cos not good to owe over CNY.
Anyway, the $50 was a business transaction, not you owe me, so ... oh well, nvm, TT to you on the 19th Mar after my wedding is completed.
Maybe he's finally decided?
"*Hoot* *Hoot* Wake up to a new day, Start life afresh.
Today my mood is good... thought over and free of all worries... everything is no longer important to me liao."
I think he's about decided, that's why finding everybody to return their stuffs. Ok lor, I also cannot help it if he is so sensitive and so suspicious of all and so priding his life on $. If he chooses to be alone, then, so be it. I won't say much.
Thought it would be a boring weekend...
Background information:
The FatOne passed me some books he thought I can use for my wedding photography some moons back. Apparently now he wants them back. Which is of not a problem to me, but I passed him the wrong ones, 2 weeks back. Hiak hiak.
When I first started wedding photography, he saw the discs I passed to my client and commented that it's not professional, so he offered to doll up the package for me. Did it quite nicely, then after a few, he started to claim that his ink and paper and effort needed to do the package is very much, (I'll add in another blog regarding this soon).
So, he say he's going to charge for packaging. $50 per package. So this relates basically to what the package is referring to about.
I was in search for a replacement for my 3 years old Acer notebook then, and I got an iBook 2 years ago while the FatOne was with me and he was interested in making a purchase also. I wasn't very rich then due to my camera hobby so I went by instalments, and the shop doesn't take American Express cards so I paid for his set as well. Note: The instalment started in 2005. We went by 24 months instalment because we found it easier to pay and lesser burden on us at $72+ a month.
---- Begin of SMS ----
FatOne: I still need the wedding book... Do let me know when I can have it back. Thanks.
WN: Pass you during FS.
FatOne: I've transferred 3x $72.72 for the last 3 payment to you and also $50 for the upcoming package which have yet to come. Let me know if that amount is not enough.
At this point, I have the feeling he wants to cut all ties, so returning the $ is a way to cut it cleanly if he opts to, I've yet to cut any ties, in my earlier skype chat with him. I already said it clear, I will not make any such stupid moves unless he does it first. The $50 was a commercial transaction for my wedding package. Which I normally prepaid to him. Not $ that he owes me. I'm a bit concerned because my wedding is not yet executed and if I can't deliver the package to my couples I do not know what to do?
WN: The package will come next month. You don't have to TT back to me so fast.
WN:Note I'll tt the next 3 back first. Please don't mess up my accounts.
FatOne: Already transferred. If it comes and you still want me to do, then pay me when due. It's ok... I want to clear up my account. No good to owe ppl on CNY.
WN: Pls lor you return everything before CNY not during CNY. TT you late the 72.72x3 the 50 i'll keep.
FatOne: Sorry CNY not over yet. Take it I create troubles for you. Just keep it as it is yours in the 1st place cos if I see that amt in my account later, I'll transfer back. Thanks for allowing me to piggy back on the instalments in the fist place.
Please... it's the Chinese customs to repay all debts before the CNY because we Chinese believe that all debts when not paid, will incur more debts in the new year (a sort of superstition). When the first day of CNY is over, debt is already owed over the near year, so I do not know why. Not to mention the iBook I bought with him is already 2 years old, I went by 24 months instalment. The last year already over CNY, what talking him? Heh.
WN: Whatever. If you want to be stubborn then I also don't want to argue. I go entertain my nephew and niece. Hee.
FatOne: Sure... You must, you see them once a week remember. Thanks for understanding.
Surprisingly, he didn't call me to argue with me further, look like he's tired and all prepared.
---- End of SMS ----
ah... so the Fat One is starting to call back his items...
be warned. looks like dat Fat Arse is forsaking all his previous, commerically useless 'frens' liao. muaahhaaaa....
Friday, February 23, 2007
" not know XXXXX so well..." <--- Well said.
Somewhere down the chat log of this entry.....
"[4:54:23 PM] FatOne says: just like CuteOne, I told her specifically that I'll pay for my sister and J's phantom of the opera tickets. but as I do not know GadGitz that well, I say I cannot sponsor GadGitz. But she yesterday transfered back everything to me..."
And so from now on, get NOTHING from me.
Scared of Losing Friends? Then Why? - Part 2
I can see that he is really scared, he went to one of the threads that we hang out at and went back through all the posts we made so far, which is pretty rare that he does so. Surprisingly, he ain't that stupid for a change. Managed to sniff out that FF1 is more than just Final Fantasy One, nearly let the cat out of the bag there.
[4:34:24 PM] FatOne says: you like to read the piano thread also?
[4:34:33 PM] WN says: Read liao
[4:34:43 PM] FatOne says: and why must one register at FF1?
[4:35:19 PM] WN says: ?
[4:35:40 PM] FatOne says: :)
[4:35:51 PM] FatOne says: so what is FF?
[4:36:21 PM] WN says: Final Fantasy
[4:36:27 PM] WN says: FF11 is a online MMORPG
[4:36:30 PM] WN says: U play?
[4:36:51 PM] FatOne says: not FF11...
[4:36:51 PM] FatOne says: FF1
[4:37:17 PM] WN says: FF1 I dunno liao
[4:37:21 PM] WN says: Only FF11 was online
[4:37:27 PM] WN says: FF12 supposed to also, heng they didn't
[4:38:03 PM] FatOne says: nah... you don't want to tell me?
[4:38:24 PM] WN says: I dunnoe
[4:38:28 PM] WN says: I only know ff11 must register
[4:38:33 PM] WN says: cos monthly need to pay
[4:39:08 PM] FatOne says:
[4:39:18 PM] WN says: I cannot see
[4:39:22 PM] WN says: I must take super long to load, remember?
[4:39:38 PM] FatOne says: this is your reply to FF1.
[4:39:55 PM] FatOne says: Asking KO to register at FF1.
[4:40:00 PM] FatOne says: so what is FF1?
[4:40:39 PM] FatOne says: if you don't wish to tell me, just say so. Acting ignorance will only cause backfire.
[4:40:42 PM] WN says: did I say that? hmmm
[4:41:28 PM] FatOne says: it is stuppose to be a website or thread... I is not born yesterday.
[4:41:47 PM] WN says: I dunnoe, I cannot remember liao
[4:41:52 PM] WN says: Maybe I was drunk when I typed that
[4:42:44 PM] FatOne says: lame answer...
[4:42:57 PM] FatOne says: hard to believe you are drunk during office hr
[4:43:30 PM] WN says: Oooo... it was during office hour
[4:43:46 PM] WN says: Then I cannot remember liao m must go back read the thread then I can grasp
[4:43:54 PM] FatOne says: ok.
[4:45:33 PM] WN says: I is old liao :(
[4:45:45 PM] WN says: Say things say already also forget what I talking about.. Haiz. :(
Like you can see, almost lost it there. Phew.
------------ Next.... ------------
You might want to refer to "Friends are an investment" blog post to follow this section.
[4:46:11 PM] FatOne says: I need mutual trust. Do we still have that?
[4:46:47 PM] WN says: The way you question me and talk to me, you ask yourself, do you still trust me
[4:47:05 PM] WN says: If you think not, then I also nothing to say.
[4:47:18 PM] WN says: As far as I'm concerned, You haven't hurt me bad or anything, so the things will remain as is
[4:47:34 PM] WN says: My advice still valid to you regardless you like to hear it or not
[4:47:44 PM] WN says: "Friends are more important than money"
[4:47:52 PM] FatOne says: Yes. agreed.
[4:47:54 PM] WN says: If you persist... I will still sit on fence.
[4:48:02 PM] WN says: Period.
[4:48:03 PM] FatOne says: I do not need to spend money to buy friends.
[4:48:25 PM] WN says: Good to hear that.
[4:48:30 PM] WN says: Keep it that way.
[4:48:40 PM] FatOne says: Frankly speaking, you guys got nothing worth for me to invest... there is no ROI.
Wow, first he claims he treats all those that attend NUG as an investment, now he says we got nothing worth to be invested in.
------------ continues.... ------------
I thought he said everybody at NUG is a sort of investment, that includes friends who drop by right? So now it's not contradicting that it's not investing in us but "buying my friends a drink"?
[4:49:15 PM] WN says: Yep, agree. That's why I also don't really want to ask you to buy stuff back for me from HK. Cos you don't charge me additional for it.
[4:49:15 PM] FatOne says: All this while I buy drinks on the house at NUG is not investing in you guys... but buying my friends a drink.
[4:49:50 PM] FatOne says: And I always get some small token back for my friend.
[4:50:03 PM] FatOne says: that's why it hurt me when you return me back those books.
[4:50:29 PM] WN says: You ask for the books, so i returned lor.
[4:50:32 PM] FatOne says: I ask for books... only the DSLR and a wedding book that I pass you sometime back...
[4:50:38 PM] WN says: i still got the lucky cat and the nikon towel LOL
[4:50:55 PM] FatOne says: not the Nikon books I got specially for you.
[4:51:12 PM] WN says: i dunnoe, u say books so I dig up all the books somemore I saw your thread
[4:51:20 PM] WN says: thought you wanted those nikon books to be loaned around, so return lor
[4:51:51 PM] FatOne says: I already specially extra of those books I got for you to supply for that thread.
Now he is apparently worried thinking that I'm doing the "return all to you since we no longer friends" act. If so, why persist in this tomfoolery!!! Stop wasting your youth FatOne!
------------ and so.... ------------
Still he defends himself saying that we don't understand him, mistaken him. Was there any mention of friendship generousity in the "Friends are an investment" skype message with the CuteOne?
Trying to clean up the mess now?
[4:52:00 PM] FatOne says: that is an investment thread.
[4:52:24 PM] WN says: I dunno, I thot you wanted those books cos it look so similar
[4:52:29 PM] WN says: Keke...
[4:52:55 PM] FatOne says: you ppl mistaken me... it is you guys who cannot understand the difference between investment and friendship generousity.
[4:53:28 PM] WN says: Hmm...
[4:54:23 PM] FatOne says: just like CuteOne, I told her specifically that I'll pay for my sister and J's phantom of the opera tickets. but as I do not know GadGitz that well, I say I cannot sponsor GadGitz. But she yesterday transfered back everything to me...
[4:54:39 PM] WN says: some gifts cannot be accepted
[4:54:42 PM] WN says: some gifts can
[4:54:51 PM] WN says: Even if me I also will return u the tix money.
[4:55:13 PM] FatOne says: nope... you are returning me a friendship.
[4:55:33 PM] FatOne says: like J, I asked him to keep the money as he needs that more than I do.
[4:55:45 PM] WN says: CuteOne is not the $ face kind, got free one will grab mah you know her well also
[4:55:52 PM] FatOne says: you can return... but in another kind.
[4:57:13 PM] FatOne says: neither is J... he wanted to watch but he says to ex to get 1st class seats... but I insist on 1st class. so I say I'll pay the difference,
[4:57:28 PM] FatOne says: but when he wants to return me, I actually ask him to keep it.
[4:57:31 PM] FatOne says: that's me...
[4:57:37 PM] WN says: Aww... so sweet :D
[4:57:43 PM] FatOne says: I am not investing in J and I don't need to.
[4:57:59 PM] FatOne says: personally what kind of ROI i can get if to invest in J???
[4:58:06 PM] FatOne says: it is stupid right?
[4:58:14 PM] WN says: Beef!! Kobe!
[4:58:18 PM] WN says: :D
[4:58:29 PM] FatOne says: or same qns... what kind of ROI I cen get from CuteOne or you?
[4:58:49 PM] FatOne says: So I would be consider stupid to invest in you and CuteOne right?
[4:59:10 PM] WN says: You want me to bend over!
[4:59:49 PM] FatOne says: that's y I say you ppl thinks too highly of yourself. I am a businessman... I know abt ROI. And I would not want to invest in you or CuteOne or GadGitz or KO.
[5:00:04 PM] WN says: :O
[5:00:09 PM] WN says: I not worth anything :(
[5:00:20 PM] FatOne says: yup you worth $0 ROI.
[5:00:25 PM] FatOne says: Not worth investing.
[5:00:46 PM] WN says: Orhh... :(
[5:01:06 PM] FatOne says: But you always deserves my friendship generousity like dinner, drinks, small gifts, etc.
[5:01:19 PM] WN says: wu gong bu shou ru leh
[5:01:33 PM] WN says: wait later shou chong ruo jing
------------ and again.... ------------
So now, a hint that I didn't do my part as a friend to return the favors? I should have listened to KO and not touch the FatOne's liquor earlier, ok, so now I'm indebted, I'll open up the amount I drank (estimated) and more and return the liquor.
I've stopped drinking his liquor since 2 weeks ago anyway...
[5:01:47 PM] FatOne says: you are always welcome to buy me dinner, drinks, small gifts.
[5:02:00 PM] FatOne says: but you have not. :(
[5:02:11 PM] WN says: Last friday and sunday I opened 2 bottles of Black
[5:02:13 PM] WN says: but you not around :(
[5:02:20 PM] FatOne says: but I never pending on that either.
[5:02:29 PM] FatOne says: I might be there tonight...
[5:02:37 PM] FatOne says: wow 2 bottles?
[5:02:45 PM] FatOne says: there is an expiry date though.
[5:02:49 PM] WN says: Yeah, last week drink quite heavy
[5:02:57 PM] WN says: I open where got put my name
[5:03:01 PM] WN says: I put KO's name
[5:03:17 PM] FatOne says: why not my name?
[5:03:28 PM] WN says: Can also
[5:03:33 PM] FatOne says: good. :)
[5:03:40 PM] WN says: let me know when u finishing, cos I don't want the bottle to expire
[5:03:41 PM] FatOne says: but don't black...
[5:03:52 PM] FatOne says: personally I don't like black...
[5:04:04 PM] FatOne says: Jimbean will be good enough.
[5:04:25 PM] FatOne says: if really want johny walker, then the green or blue label.
[5:04:32 PM] FatOne says: not red or black. :)
[5:04:48 PM] FatOne says: jack daniels I also keen... :)
[5:04:57 PM] FatOne says: or simple, baileys. :)
[5:05:56 PM] WN says: Okie
[5:06:05 PM] FatOne says: now you understand?
[5:06:08 PM] WN says: I think I will open 1 bottle of JB and Baileys for u
[5:06:20 PM] FatOne says: no need. I still got...
[5:06:26 PM] FatOne says: next time bah.
[5:06:33 PM] FatOne says: cos got expiry date.
[5:06:39 PM] WN says: Okie
[5:06:41 PM] WN says: No problem
[5:06:47 PM] FatOne says: now they implement the bottle card...
[5:06:56 PM] FatOne says: to keep track on expiry date.
[5:07:14 PM] FatOne says: and Q now, if your bottle expire, you need to pay for the mixer.
[5:07:18 PM] WN says: can't be bothered, we normally finish before expiry anyway,KO has no expiry.. heehee
[5:07:24 PM] FatOne says: think their business no good.
[5:07:30 PM] WN says: all along mixers aren't free
[5:07:41 PM] FatOne says: not exactly...
[5:07:56 PM] FatOne says: I have not been paying for mixer in Q and T5.
[5:08:06 PM] WN says: cos you kicked off with KO around
[5:08:22 PM] WN says: same for me
[5:08:33 PM] FatOne says: last week when I go Q to finish my jimbeam, it expire 4days only, they ask me that if I don't waht to pay for mixer, open another bottle.
[5:08:49 PM] WN says: Q we no longer open bottle liao
[5:08:53 PM] FatOne says: they are getting strict now.
[5:08:55 PM] WN says: We only have bottles @ CH and T5
[5:09:04 PM] FatOne says: I still got another jimbean there.
[5:09:34 PM] WN says: Okie
[5:10:09 PM] FatOne says: so you gets it?
[5:10:18 PM] FatOne says: NUG is an investment for me...
[5:10:33 PM] WN says: Yeah I know
[5:10:36 PM] WN says: You say a lot of times liao
[5:10:52 PM] FatOne says: ppl go there including you guys, and I still buys drinks serves 3 major purposes:
[5:12:24 PM] FatOne says: 1. Customers who bought things from me so why can't me give them a drink.
2. Friends like yourself and CuteOne, why can't me give them a drink?
3. I use Spinelli cafe to earn $, why can I give them back some business?
[5:13:06 PM] FatOne says: If you trace back, I often buys drinks on the house is when I got collection... that's where I can gives maximum exposure.
[5:14:10 PM] FatOne says: although sometimes I still buys on the house is because you disturb me, so because you are my friend, and I'll honour my friend's decision, I pay for the drinks.
[5:14:11 PM] FatOne says: get it?
[5:16:53 PM] FatOne says: I am not stupid... although I do know that you guys thinks it is unnecessary for me and it is stupid of me... but I insist as you dun know my intentions.
[5:17:17 PM] FatOne says: And definitely I AM NOT BUYING FRIENDS!!!
[5:17:25 PM] FatOne says: I dun need to also.
[5:18:46 PM] FatOne says: anyway enough said.
[5:19:17 PM] FatOne says: Like I say, no mutual trust between 2 persons, then there is no friendship involve in the first place.
[5:20:59 PM] FatOne says: Do let me know if you decided not to trust me anymore. Likewise I'll do that. At least I believe the past relationship between both of us deserved that much of respect. right?
[5:23:08 PM] WN says: Hmm?
[5:23:53 PM] WN says: Me never think so much, and what is past is past
Went around the bush, flogging a dead horse, if my joke of asking for a drink/chips was not necessary and caused obligation, apologies to the FatOne on that, well, you could let me know earlier, I do have a Spinelli's card myself, and I certainly can well afford my own coffee/chips. I'll buy you as many as I can back when I have the opportunity to do so. I cannot afford to owe people favors regardless obligated and/or not.
Now this is intriguing, why talk about all these now? Fear of losing friends? Or you finally cherish and know that what you said is wrong, but earlier as mentioned - what you say, you stand by it so now trying to salvage the situation without making yourself look bad? Is this an attempt to salvage? If it is, you've failed terribly.
Words are like the wind, they come and go, you feel it once, then it's gone forever, things will change, leaves will drop, dust will travel.
I have never regard M, K, M, O, S and D as an investment. You are all my friends, I don't need to invest for relationship. If you all feels that I don't regards you all as my friends, then may I ask what have you all done to regard me as your friend. I've asked for peace and tried to call sam which he threw my phone down. Since I cannot ask for peace, I can only act ignorance or go for war with you all which I don't wish to. Please teach me what to do.
Tell you all this is not to ask for your trust just that I find the whole thing is very stupid and childish especially you want to get yourself involve for something that don't involve you. If I've done anything wrong to you earlier, I hereby apologise to you. Please do not take this sms to change your attitude towards me. So whatever decision whether you still want to regard me as a friend or not no longer important to me now cos I'm very disappointed with you all just like you are disappointed wit me. Sign off.
Talk To The Hand
(....a couple of weeks back)
[4:14:15 PM] FatOne says: I'm prepare to disown everyone who stands in my way over this issue.
Extracted from here
Scared of losing friends? Then Why?
"It's FS night! YEAH! | PSP Update/Worms: Open Warfare <- SHIOK! | Extra extra read all about it -> FF1"
Then the FatOne got heated again and started this conversation. Apparently, he is scared and sad of losing friends that he needs to once again re-iterate his friendship level by asking me and worrying over my skype message when I talked about the PSP game - Worms: Open Warfare.
If he is so worried or concerned, why still persist in this folly? Friends will forgive one another and accept him back if he stops all this tomfoolery. He still claims and re-iterates that he has not struck anybody off his friend list, but yet his actions and motives are so deep and unknown that one cannot help but to wonder, if it is true.
Why tell me about "not struck anybody of friend list" when you claim in the earlier skype conversation with CuteOne that you are not afraid of losing the friends?
*Hais*. Below is the skype extract:
-------- Begin Extract --------
[2:40:47 PM] FatOne says: Are you staging war with me?
[2:41:07 PM] M says: :O
[2:41:19 PM] M says: got any benefits if stage war?
[2:41:27 PM] M says: Will I get D2XS?
[2:41:27 PM] FatOne says: Just asking... due to your mood msg
[2:41:34 PM] M says: My mood msg?
[2:41:41 PM] M says: It's FS night! YEAH! | PSP Update/Worms: Open Warfare <- SHIOK! | Extra extra read all about it -> FF1
[2:41:42 PM] FatOne says: Yes... a lot of it falling on your head.
[2:42:14 PM] M says: Huh?
[2:42:26 PM] FatOne says: If not wrong there isn't a Open Warfare in Worms...
[2:42:36 PM] FatOne says: And what is FF1?
[2:42:46 PM] FatOne says: it is not final fantasy 1
[2:42:47 PM] M says: Have lah
[2:42:48 PM] M says: U go see
[2:42:53 PM] M says: I playing it now
[2:42:53 PM] FatOne says: show me?
[2:43:06 PM] M says: Dohz, do a search - Worms : Open Warfare
[2:43:14 PM] M says: Sam got the UMD
[2:43:52 PM] FatOne says: k.
[2:43:54 PM] FatOne says: then what is FF1?
[2:43:56 PM] M says: U never play worms before?
[2:43:58 PM] M says: FF1 lor
[2:44:05 PM] FatOne says: tell me abt it.
[2:44:06 PM] M says: Wormz is fun
[2:44:10 PM] M says: LOL~ U shld try
[2:44:13 PM] FatOne says: I mean FF1
[2:44:21 PM] M says: wait... I need to dig the link
[2:44:32 PM] M says:
[2:44:36 PM] M says: But still in Jap :(
[2:44:49 PM] M says: I have the PSX one, rip liao but then after saving game, my PSP hangs.. :(
[2:44:58 PM] FatOne says: FF1???
[2:45:07 PM] M says: You not FF fan, you won't know one lah
[2:45:20 PM] FatOne says: says who
[2:45:24 PM] FatOne says: what is ff1?
[2:45:26 PM] M says: I got FF1, 2, 4, 5, 7, Tatics all on my PSP
[2:45:28 PM] M says: LOl~
[2:45:44 PM] FatOne says: M I is not born yesterday.
[2:45:48 PM] FatOne says: tell me what is FF1
[2:45:54 PM] M says: Dohzzzz...
[2:46:11 PM] M says: Show u the link liao, click on it ->
[2:46:22 PM] M says: The graphics are much better than PSX version :(
[2:47:34 PM] FatOne says: what do you guys want to do now?
[2:47:39 PM] M says: Do what?
[2:47:47 PM] FatOne says: Getting rid of me as a friend?
[2:48:02 PM] M says: Only if you get rid of others as a friend, else why would people wanna get rid of you?
[2:48:10 PM] M says: I is still M
[2:48:14 PM] FatOne says: I did not write off any of them.
[2:48:22 PM] M says: Still the M :D The one and only ****!
[2:48:23 PM] M says: :D
[2:48:38 PM] FatOne says: I just shoot down an event you guys organise.
[2:48:42 PM] M says: which one?
[2:48:44 PM] FatOne says: nothing personal
[2:48:50 PM] FatOne says: SNUG
[2:48:59 PM] FatOne says: so why do you or they wants now?
[2:49:05 PM] M says: Orh. Shoot lor. I won't lose a limb :D I am happy with myself, good enough
[2:49:21 PM] M says: Left hand boob, right hand rub... shiok
[2:49:23 PM] M says: :D
[2:49:24 PM] FatOne says: but you are not happy abt it.
[2:49:45 PM] M says: Eh...if I not happy, won't talk to u liao
[2:49:49 PM] M says: :D
[2:49:51 PM] FatOne says: I have not written off any of you yet.
[2:49:58 PM] FatOne says: no... you would still talk to me one.
[2:49:58 PM] M says: It's friday, it's FS day!
[2:50:03 PM] FatOne says: I know you too well.
[2:50:09 PM] FatOne says: yes it is FS day.
[2:50:38 PM] M says: Nooooo u don't know me :D you don't know what colour underwear I wearing :D
[2:50:58 PM] FatOne says: I is not joking with you...
[2:51:04 PM] FatOne says: can talk serious?
[2:51:08 PM] M says: I is serious
[2:51:56 PM] FatOne says: are you getting rid of me as a friend?
[2:52:06 PM] M says: Nope, unless you want me to
[2:52:17 PM] M says: U let me know when you want me to
[2:52:28 PM] FatOne says: what do you mean I want you to?
[2:53:02 PM] M says: If you want me to write you off as a friend, then I will do so lor or you do something like plot against me or what
[2:53:08 PM] M says: Or you insulted my parents
[2:53:13 PM] M says: Or you steal my D2X
[2:53:28 PM] FatOne says: neither of that.
[2:53:34 PM] M says: Good lor
[2:53:43 PM] FatOne says: but was thinking of plotting against you.
[2:54:07 PM] M says: Okie
[2:54:14 PM] M says: Do what you want... I won't be hurt one. :D
[2:54:20 PM] FatOne says: okie?
[2:54:21 PM] M says: I learn to see thing open liao...
[2:54:40 PM] M says: I cannot control and will not control the people around me to do things... life is short.. I enjoy can liao
[2:54:55 PM] FatOne says: ok.
[2:55:30 PM] FatOne says: are you helping me to do up my forum and calendar system?
[2:55:36 PM] M says: oh yeah, still owe u that
[2:55:44 PM] M says: let me know lor, I forgot
[2:55:45 PM] FatOne says: yes.
[2:55:53 PM] M says: Wait until I finish, then plot agains tme
[2:56:00 PM] M says: else wait I do half way I put ur pic on it LOL
[2:56:31 PM] FatOne says: tell me what you need.
[2:56:48 PM] FatOne says: tools? website? or what?
[2:56:53 PM] M says: Sex!!!
[2:56:54 PM] M says: :D
[2:57:19 PM] FatOne says: I am serious... pls respect the seriousness.
[2:57:50 PM] M says: I need the website, the admin panel, the software for the forum
[2:57:57 PM] M says: I also need Sex <- serious
[2:58:23 PM] FatOne says: where to get the software? any suggestion?
[2:58:34 PM] FatOne says: the admini panel is what?
[2:58:36 PM] M says: if you want to pay
[2:58:37 PM] FatOne says: the cpanel?
[2:58:38 PM] M says: Vbulletin
[2:58:47 PM] FatOne says: I don't mind paying.
[2:58:47 PM] M says: If you don't want, phpBB, and a lot of others are free
[2:59:12 PM] FatOne says: but I need secure cos only paying members can get access.
[2:59:34 PM] FatOne says: forum is not open ground but mainly for members activities.
[2:59:47 PM] M says: vbulletin shld be able to do so
[2:59:55 PM] FatOne says: ok.
[3:00:02 PM] FatOne says: I believe I need a name also right?
[3:00:09 PM] FatOne says: I mean domain name.
[3:00:27 PM] M says: yup
[3:00:29 PM] M says: smart
[3:00:31 PM] M says: learn fast
[3:01:13 PM] FatOne says: ok... I shall prepare that.
[3:01:21 PM] FatOne says: have not come up with the proper name yet.
[3:01:29 PM] FatOne says: J suppose to think for me.
[3:01:29 PM] M says:
[3:01:33 PM] M says: Good domain
[3:01:36 PM] M says: consider it :D
[3:01:47 PM] FatOne says: thanks but no thanks.
[3:01:48 PM] M says:
[3:01:54 PM] FatOne says: calendar software?
[3:01:58 PM] M says: no idea yet
[3:01:57 PM] FatOne says: any to recommend?
[3:02:00 PM] M says: haven't source for one
[3:02:09 PM] M says: CNY + IPT + FS taking too much time
[3:02:12 PM] M says: and too many CNY dinners
[3:02:15 PM] M says: grrrrr broke liao :(
[3:02:25 PM] FatOne says: stop going to so many fs...
[3:02:28 PM] FatOne says: not healthy
[3:02:52 PM] M says: But... but... FS!
[3:02:53 PM] M says: :D
[3:03:33 PM] M says: Okie, colleague jio me to lar kopi w/ her.. she's sad and down, i go advise her a bit
[3:03:34 PM] M says: brb
-------- End Extract --------
Ok, I really went to lar kopi because my friend jio-ed me, due to some work stuff, she needed the accompaniment, not because I didn't want to talk to him.
I have not struck him off the list because I see no reason for it, unless he makes the first move, or has done something gravely bad towards me, but so far, what he has done does not involve me totally and entirely so I shall close one eye.
Treading on dangerous water, he is.
What is the prize?
Seriously, one would wonder, why fight a war to win it, but lose the entire cohort of army in the process. Is this life-threatening or something that your life would tread dangerously on if you cannot give it up easily?
Life is short, miserable, intolerable, pathetic enough, why make your own life more miserable? Is money more important than anything? Can you take your money to death with you? What even if you have a double storey, air-conditioned coffin with all your money stacked inside to support your body?
Sure, you can say you don't mind having nobody at your wake, if this is the result of fighting the war, then so be it. To me this is just being pathetic. No man is an island. You can win the biggest war ever, but to everybody else, you are no more than just a loser.
Two weeks ago:
FatOne> You see, I need the money, I must support my lifestyle, I need to take cab, I need to eat, I need my business, that's why I want back my NUG
WasNeutral> You can take bus, I told you before
FO> My home to office no bus, last time got those private buses, now no more.
WN> SBS got buses to your office what.
FO> No, don't have, from S**** to my office no bus
WN> If I can find how? Of course you cannot expect one direct bus lah, must change buses.
FO> Then you find for me lor, where got bus?
WN> Have, don't worry, I'll find.
FO> Will I be late a not?
WN> Wake up earlier and leave house lor
FO> No lah, tell you, too ma fun, I don't want to change my lifestyle.
WN> (WTF...)
Excuses more than badminton, money priority is so important. Money is indeed the root of all evil.
Another thought from the FatONE
"He who thinks they are right, thinks too highly of themselves. Fight back, I must. So be it."
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Great Student ???
FatOne says : Agreed
I already told him many times, I'm standing in the center, I do not care nor do I want to bother with all these stuff. Now he is still harping on not sure where I am standing. If I'm forced to take a stand, then don't blame me for which side I will choose eventually.
The answer is obvious.
I choose the light & the right.
After all, if I'm too choose majority, the group against him will surely lose, his one person size/ego/weight is enough to out-weight the group. So to be fair, I rely on my own judgment.
I'm crappy.... ooo, read my Skype message.
HK Dai Kor, si boh?
i'm okie wif him until he decided to trash our little portal.. wtf? then have to cheek to go through 3rd parties to invite me to coffee to 'tan pan'... siao. call me some more and i told him nothing to talk abt. i din know till last nite he told everyone i slam the phone down on him.
duh... i was using a handphone lor? how to slam? LOL...
How not to let others disrespect you?
I know what I type was wrong, but I can't take it back, if I take it back, it's as good as eating my own words, then how would people respect me?
Even if I'm wrong, I will stand by it, this way, people will then respect me.
Ohhhh Almighty One...
FatOne says:
do you know that I still have some cloths with LKM?
When I asked him to return, he ask me to go get it from him. He say he last time ferry me home his car also need fuel one, so the costs can contra off.
I forget it liao, take it as he's a beggar, I give the cloths to him.
Last week during a CNY celebration dinner:
FatOne says:
LKM, I forget to ask you to bring the cloths to return me (WasNeutral: Diam diam + ????)
LKM says:
I burn it liao, it's inside the incinerator, all in ashes.
FatOne Says:
Double Standards
Man of "Principles".... Fark your 'Principles'.
FatOne says: No, you cannot buy food from outside and bring into hotel, it will reflect badly on their image.
WasNeutral says: Who cares?
FatOne says: No.
A week later...
C says: Psst.. did you know that day we (FatOne + others) packet food into Fullerton Hotel?
Man of 'Principles'
FARK your 'Principles' I say.
Phantom and the Fat One
Pls dun tell them any of my things in future... they're out to spoil my relationship with any of you guys...
If you want to know the full story, Let me tell you.
I came to know about Phantom of the Opera from a brouchure O showing off to girls during one of the FS session 2 weeks ago. He told ppl that he already made advance booking as he is a priority member of DBS credit card or some sort. So do you think he has not bought the tickets and wanted to look for kakis to watch with him.. think again!
n my part, I made an offer to both you, D and J which D replied that she would be watching with her friends. J will be watching with me. So if you and K... so if you think that I have interior motive, think again.
Reason why I did not jio M is because I am not too sure which side he is standing... and having past experience in jio'ing him, he often cannot decide and gives me crap at the end of the day... the previous BKK trip and also another HK trip is a good example, which I have bad experience.
If you still keen to go with me, let me know as I'm getting tickets this afternoon. If you want to go with K alone, I'm ok.
Telling you all this is just to explain my stand. Not to change your mind in anything.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Friends are an investment
[4:01:31 PM] FatOne says: ok byes.
[4:01:49 PM] CuteOne says: ur action is uncalled for. even if u explain to him also no use
[4:02:29 PM] FatOne says: nope... no explaining anything. just discuss something with him. But I think M might have already told him.
[4:02:54 PM] CuteOne says: no need to explain also
[4:03:51 PM] FatOne says: whatever... I still need to talk to him.
[4:05:33 PM] FatOne says: anyway, hope everything will clear up soon as I do agree that it is not healthy to continue with this also. In all cases, I am still myself... not the 'short-circult fat one'... :D
[4:05:37 PM] CuteOne says: i dont think he wants to talk to u
[4:06:12 PM] CuteOne says: wat u have written has made an impact, so dont take it as it nv happened
[4:06:31 PM] FatOne says: of cos it does have an impact.
[4:06:45 PM] FatOne says: it is meant that way in the first place.
[4:06:53 PM] CuteOne says: watever
[4:07:11 PM] FatOne says: if M had not step in, it would not be that bad.
[4:07:26 PM] CuteOne says: dun blame it on others. u started it.
[4:07:51 PM] FatOne says: anyway, I don't need to explain to anybody... nor blame anyone. It is something I had to do it.
[4:08:02 PM] CuteOne says: watever
[4:08:15 PM] FatOne says: and it may continue if the issue is not resolved.
[4:08:24 PM] FatOne says: so I want to stop this also.
[4:08:38 PM] CuteOne says: u started it. u better stop it
[4:08:43 PM] FatOne says: that's why I need to talk to S in private.
[4:08:54 PM] CuteOne says: no need.
[4:09:24 PM] CuteOne says: if u didnt post such stuff. nothing like this would have happened.
[4:09:34 PM] FatOne says: As I told M... as long as NUF gets out of my NUG... I'll leave them alone.
[4:09:52 PM] CuteOne says: NUG is not urs, FYI
[4:10:09 PM] FatOne says: M had promised me not to organise anymore NUG under the name of NUF... but they broke it.
[4:10:28 PM] FatOne says: whatever... jolly well, NUG evolve from Nikon Council...
[4:10:40 PM] FatOne says: and M is very much aware of it.
[4:10:52 PM] FatOne says: so don't tell me such crap.
[4:10:59 PM] CuteOne says: so ? u do not and cannot claim ownership of it mah
[4:11:27 PM] FatOne says: Why not? I ahve invested time and money in getting this group started in the first place.
[4:11:52 PM] CuteOne says: watever
[4:12:41 PM] CuteOne says: and i thought it is for nikon people to gather. no need investment and time.
[4:13:27 PM] FatOne says: hais... it is on the surface as you see...
[4:13:44 PM] CuteOne says: u are on ur own i tell u
[4:13:50 PM] CuteOne says: dont say i nv tell u b4
[4:13:54 PM] FatOne says: but did you notice that I often offer drinks on the house?
[4:14:15 PM] FatOne says: I'm prepare to disown everyone who stands in my way over this issue.
[4:14:23 PM] FatOne says: As I told M already.
[4:14:24 PM] CuteOne says: and i thought u really treat people.
[4:14:51 PM] FatOne says: it is not that simple... cos everyone in NUG is one way or another my customer.
[4:14:52 PM] CuteOne says: if that is the case, i pay u back. i dont need such drinks
[4:15:04 PM] FatOne says: I am a business man... remember.
[4:15:10 PM] FatOne says: nope I dun need you to,
[4:15:31 PM] FatOne says: I'll still organise my NUG as it is before... and this will never change...
[4:15:44 PM] FatOne says: but why this NUF wants to piggy back on NUG?????
[4:16:12 PM] FatOne says: can't they call themselves Nikonian Gathering or Nikon Forum Gathering???
[4:16:16 PM] FatOne says: why must they call NUG?
[4:16:19 PM] CuteOne says: we dont need nug already. u can continue to organise ur money and time invested NUG
[4:16:54 PM] FatOne says: sure... but I want to confirmation from the NUF group.
[4:17:01 PM] CuteOne says: i'm really disappointed with u
[4:18:03 PM] FatOne says: Mei, my way of treating you and the rest of the others is still the same... we are still friends, But please as friends, please leave my business alone.
[4:18:37 PM] FatOne says: so simple as I asked for... and you guys can come and tell me that you're disappointed with me.... I got nothing to say.
[4:19:06 PM] CuteOne says: k
[4:19:46 PM] FatOne says: M and C took my idea and started NUF... I already did not say anything... and yet now they want to come and acclaim NUG... this is too much.
[4:19:58 PM] FatOne says: If you dun believe me, go ask M.
[4:20:39 PM] FatOne says: both M and C apologise to me earlier after launching NUF that they took my idea to start the NUF forum without me.
[4:21:15 PM] FatOne says: which I accept their apology and I only ask them to leave NUG alone of which M gave me his words.
[4:21:47 PM] CuteOne says: i'm very sure no more NUG will come out from NUF anymore
[4:21:53 PM] FatOne says: now S starts NUG and he can come and tell me it got nothing to do whith him as it is S's idea.
[4:22:00 PM] CuteOne says: u continue to hold ur money making NUG
[4:22:33 PM] FatOne says: I really dun wish to argue this with you. cos you should not be involve.
[4:23:07 PM] FatOne says: but if you're swayed by a single side story and hurt our friendship, I got nothing to say.
[4:23:10 PM] FatOne says: :(
[4:23:37 PM] CuteOne says: k
[4:25:11 PM] FatOne says: cos I did weigh the consequence when I started this saga... the biggest lose are my group of friends namely, K, M, D, PE, C, etc. and you being the biggest lost to me as I always got high regards for you. :(
[4:26:04 PM] CuteOne says: i think u have lost everyone
[4:26:30 PM] FatOne says: I hope not. cos... :(
[4:26:41 PM] FatOne says: I rreally dun wish to,
[4:26:51 PM] CuteOne says: u started it. face the music
[4:27:06 PM] FatOne says: but because of my MO and other stuff coming in... I left with no choice.
[4:27:28 PM] FatOne says: I still need to speak to S... a friendly chat. Can help me lay this line?
[4:27:40 PM] CuteOne says: u choose this to happen, face it
[4:27:46 PM] CuteOne says: No.
[4:27:50 PM] FatOne says: yes I'll face it.
[4:28:17 PM] FatOne says: as spoken I expect this. and I'd still continue until this is resolve.
[4:28:56 PM] CuteOne says: have fun. no one will be at ur side
[4:29:05 PM] FatOne says: including you?
[4:29:16 PM] CuteOne says: yes
[4:29:52 PM] FatOne says: ok then... this conclude the conversation. byes. :(
[4:30:30 PM] CuteOne says: byes
Skype Thoughts of the day
"argument is a waste of time. respect is earned, not by means of asking"